Spock and Dracs
Dear Sass,
We thought that you might like to know that our booklet, "Spock
and Dracs, The Wilderness Weeks" is doing really well. We've
sold over 600 copies so far and have a lot of money banked and
ready to give to the PDSA. Not that we've finished yet.
We were staying with Ann again in June and, in between reorganising
her life, took the opportunity to write a sequel, which we hope
to publish next year. We also gave her lots of good advice on
how to market the original, hence its success. It's now stocked
by Waterstones and Dillons in Newcastle upon Tyne. Dillons obviously
recognise an intellectual masterpiece when they see one as they've
put it on the counter by the till nearest their main entrance.
They told Ann they were pleased with the way it was selling. We
considered offering to do a book signing. Ann said Melvyn Bragg
was there in August. If he's the best they can get,
they ought to jump at the chance of having two real literary geniuses,
but it would mean having to stay awake for hours on end. Besides
which, what if our bladders wouldn't hold out? It's bad enough
the way Ann puts our litter tray in her living room when we stay
with her, we're certainly not having it in a shop. Fans can be
very intrusive and there are some things you simply don't want
to be seen doing in public. No, it's
too high a price to pay.
It was bad enough when a press photographer came to see us at
Ann's. Took him a whole hour to take a picture of us. We didn't
mind him taking pictures as we were lying trying to get some well
earned rest on Ann's duvet. But he wanted us to open our eyes
as well! Some people really want blood. Being celebrities is very
demanding, as I'm sure you know yourself.
We got to know Ann's neighbour Paul when we stayed with her in
January. Then he looked after us when Ann went to London for a
couple of days when we were with her in June. He's nice. He knows
all about our book and he's very clever with computers. (Not like
that thickhead Ann.) So we asked him if he'd design a
website for us. It's at http://www.catsup.co.uk
Hope your humans are behaving themselves.
Spock and Dracs