Jerry Scarface Muckypaws
Hey guys! can anyone tell me what these things are?
I keep finding them in the back garden, they are green and look
wet, I mean as in water wet, not Jasper wet! two short front paws
and greattttt longgggg back paws, they make a funny noise if you
squash them or jump on them, like a squeaking sound very hard
to catch, cant half jump, just like a flea! my human goes mad
if I try to catch one! (actually they are only little ones but
I tell my human they are HUGE!!!! just to keep her indoors).
Talking of humans, I came in the other day from a meeting with
the lads, all I said was has anyone seen the bit if bird leg I
brought in earlier? I feel a bit peckish, it was then that I noticed
Ellen had a white thing tied round her ankle, it think its called
a bandage at the same time she made a comment about stupid cats
leaving nasty things lying around. I mean a guys gotta vary his
diet hasn't he?
Jerry Scarface Muckypaws...
Oh by the way ole fart end Jasper says hi, I shouldn't really
talk to him after ALL the lies hes said about me....DONT DO THAT