Sneakers goes hunting ducks
I have 2 females, Sneakers's 9 year old calico, and Chamois,
a dumb blonde long haired farm cat.
These 2 cats are so awesome. I live in north central Iowa, and
we have had a lot of rain, bummer, anyway, we had 2 ducks in our
backyard. Sneakers got out one day, she took off like a shot,
thankfully the ducks saw her coming, so they split. We have never
seen her move so fast. These are house cats, so an outside trek
is an adventure....I have had a lot of problems, like who doesn't,
but anyway these cats seem to sense this.. They are so loving...
8 years ago, my ex husband left me for a much younger woman, he
never let me have a cat because he "hated" them. So after we split
up, I immediately went to the nearest adoption center and got
Sneakers.. I figured why not?...CATS ARE SO COOL... Such a joy..I
got back together with my high school sweetheart 6 months later...after
dating 20 years earlier.. And guess what, he likes cats.. ( Oprah
story here )... Anyway, I am happy with my 2 cats and my new husband...We
call them " the girls".