Wow! Was I ever surprised to find a web site just for felines.
It's about time! You have no idea what's its like to live in a
house full of humans. How they ever managed before I came along
is beyond me! They rush around in the morning, yelling and bumping
into each other. If they can't find something, "Murray took it."
Sure, blame the cat. If you don't want me to chew on your toothbrush,
then why'd you leave it on the sink? And why do you keep hanging
those drapes in the front window. It took me all night to get
them down! I did not eat the garbage, I just spread it around
on the floor to get a better look at it. Then out the door, (my
favorite time of day) until dinner time. (My other favorite time
of day)
The big surprise is coming soon. Prince, my misnamed pal of the
persian purrrsuation is in the family way. Yep, you got it! O'le
Murray is about to be a father. Man, is the fur gonna fly. Humans,
ya gotta love em! If you have any advice for a first time father,
please write.
I'll be ssseeing you,
Murray and the cat formerly known as Prince