Hi there, Mogwai & Gang here again!
...and to hell with the pussies
Our human, Slof, recieved a distubing e-mail from a fellow cat
lover and asked us to post his problem on your site.
This nice man, Dan Judd took in a pregnant cat who had been turfed
out by her uncaring humans and gave her a box in his office. A
short while later, a fire started in the office next door, so
when he found out Dan rushed in and rescued the cat and her very
young kittens at the expense of their data. One year on, his insurance
refuse to pay up, saying he should have rescued the data first
and to hell with the pussies. Slof was so outraged by this, that
we were told 'Tell the Freddie Street Gang!'
For more details or for cats offering support please contact him
Please offer support to this fine, upstanding individual who is
now at risk of losing his job just for being kind hearted to cats.
Many thanx, Mogwai's Gang.