Noussa and I have a new game to play...
This is Chatsi again. We found a green thing in the garden that
keeps very still and then leaps high in the air - right under
our noses!! Noussa thinks its called a ffrawg? I caught one yesterday
and brought it into the dining area - it tasted really wet and
cold....bbbrrrr. Then Noussa sat on the floor on one side or and
patted it, it leapt across to Noussa. She sniffed it very delicately
and put one little paw out to pat it back to me. To and fro, to
and fro - such good exercise!
We could have carried on for hours like this, but unfortunately
our female human caught us, and picked the ffrawg up in a towel
before carrying it outside!! She couldn't understand why it was
covered in cathair but I can!!
Maybe if I'm clever enough I'll find it again tomorrow....
Lots of purrs
Chatsi & Noussa
Jerry Scarface Muckypaws replies...
I got some of them things in my garden too, do you eat them?
I just played with one did yours make a funny noise? like a squeeking
sound? I know humans eat the legs though! not much meat on them
is there, a waste of time if you ask me! I overheard my human
say she was going to get me a playmate, wonder what she meant,
I got ole Jasper if I need to mess up some fur! her human says
we cant have another furball as we are bankrupt!! wonder what
he means?
Jerry Scarface Muckypaws