Hi, This is Salem
And I am here with my friend Mojo to warn all cats of the big,hot,
metal box the humans call a dryer, as warm and tempting as it
is, stay clear! Allow me to explain, one day my human left this
"dryer" open, it was warm, and full of soft things, so I climbed
in for a look. Unfortunately, I have black fur, so blending in
with the contents, my human didn't see me. A big towel dropped
on my head before I could meow, and the door slammed shut, the
room got hot and began to spin, luckily, my human noticed I was
missing and happened to look into the dryer. I was lucky and was
saved. Thank goodness I wasn't hurt, though I have grown some
white hairs due to that incident. Now I was lucky, but I have
heard of others that didn't survive as well. So please, stay clear
of those big machines! They could mean the end of you.
We have one more warning to leave you with, this is for all humans
to tend to, please cut up those pop rings! I know I wasn't supposed
to, but I was digging through my human's trash one day, and I,(Salem)
got my head caught in a ring. luckily, once again, my human came
to the rescue, but still, humans everywhere, the cats in your
house my not be so lucky.
Cut up those rings!
Salem and Mojo