Greetings, fellow cat-type dudes!
My name is Shira, I'm a two-year old female tortoisehell cat and
I live in Cheadle Hulme, England with Cleo ("she's Cleo, she's
chubby, our humans call her Tubby...") and Tigs ("she's Tiggy,
she's thinner, she likes rice pud for dinner")... The "songs"
come courtesy of our human pets, Sue and Simon... there are some
things you've just go to put up with, I suppose! Mine is rather
rude and concerns my toilet habits so I won't go into it...
My hobby is climbing and I love to swing upside down from the
best velvet curtains in the lounge.My most recent expedition was
up the shelves in the fitted wardrobe - a bit hairy at times,
especially when you grab hold of a loose jumper - but a great
reward when you get to the top shelf and have a lovely sleep on
their best cashmere sweaters... bliss! I am always on the look
out for new things to climb and look forward to suggestions from
other readers.
Let us know what you
like to climb!
I would like to pass on a cautionary tail about catnip, though.
If you can't handle it, just say "No"! Tigs, who is a bit daft
anyway (she likes licking the fake coal fire in the living room...)
had a bit of an overdose last week. She was so spaced out that
she rolled over, grabbed Simon-the-Human's foot and nibbled his
ankles WHILST HE HAD HIS SOCKS ON!!! She is still recovering from
the shock. Cleo couldn't see what all the fuss was about and can
regularly be found with her head in his sneaker... poo-eee!
Anyway, must go as I can hear the human's at the door - must be
supper-time already!
Lots of purrs and licks,