Jerry calling Tom
Hey buddy I know how you feel, have you had "The Op?" if not your
lucky! mind you I suppose its better since I was done, I mean
I know a guy is supposed to mark his territory, but try telling
your human that, mind you I cant imagine MY human doing it! just
I get kept in at night (if Im not quicker than my human (bless
her). She has been a wee bit neurotic since my randy bro got his!
poor tomas. Still life goes on huh? I dont really mind I get more
food, I went out at 11pm the other night and didn't come back
in till am, my human did her nut, coo aint they got loud voices?
I mean man it WAS 4am after all, what will the lads think? still
no need to threaten to throttle me was it? (she lurrrrrves me
really) what a magic instrument the PURRRRRRR is !
Hope you get your prob sorted ok
got to go and annoy the jasper (the dog) it IS Toosday!.................looove
meeeaowwwww (just practising) heee heee.