Freddie the WonderCat
Wowr Sprockett
I am on my second home, and I am so glad I moved. In my previous
home I was expected to be a show cat & perform for the judges.
When I refused, they wanted rid of me & placed adverts. Fortunately
for me, the advert was quickly answered by Frogge, who wished
to give a home to a Russian Blue purely for what a Russian Blue
can give in return: Loyalty.
I joined a pride of cats who are totally dedicated to Frogge,
& Frogge acknowledges that we govern his life. He will not consider
a girlfriend who will not accept that cats have their place on
the bed if so they wish. We accept being turfed off if so they
I have discussed your problem with Frogge & I'm afraid his comment
was :- "Well, he's a sad bastard if he can't appreciate the companionship
of a cat"
I'm afraid he's just a human, but as humans go, he's pretty good.
I can't understand why your human doesn't consider that we are
the greatest. Perhaps he's jealous. We are the acme of the male
ego. Laze around all day & be appreciated for doing it. If he
has a problem with that ......well he has a problem.
Tell him that he can learn a lot from cats, if he says no, tell
him he can learn a lot more from cats.
many Wowrs, Sprockett, Tango & Sonic
Freddie the WonderCat