Sweetie Cat FantasticoMeow to my cousins over the sea in BritainHi, My name is Sweetie Cat Fantastico! I wanted to drop a line to say "meow" to my cousins over the sea in Britain. Me and my main squeeze Liam Cat (very handsome grey tabby) are partners in crime. Our newest hobby has been to climb the chimney at our house. Our owners Jeff and Heather don't seem quite as entranced with this notion as we are - I mean geez its just a little soot and stuff. Ok, maybe its more than a little. But they have slipcovers for the couches and know how to mop the floor, so I don't see the big deal if we "occasionally" get little black paw prints on those nice white surfaces. One time Liam and I caught a pair of wrens that accidentally flew into the house. That was fun, at least it was until Jeff decided to take away our treats. Liam knew how to kill his, but mine was still alive and ended up flying around the room when it was released. I flew after it though, and nearly caught it again. I am Sweetie Cat Fantastico, after all. I don't know why my bird was so freaked, I mean, I was only gnawing on its head and trying to kill it. To commemorate the event Heather's mom bought us kitties little stuffed bird ornaments for the Christmas tree. I love my grandmommy, she is nice. I am much happier since Liam came to live with us. Before he came I didn't have much to do. I had lots of toys, but my main activity was to capture crickets and tear off their legs. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. Its fun to watch them wander around in circles and bat them with your paw. One time I tried to share the fun with Heather and put one of the crickets on her pillow as a present. I don' t understand why she didn't want to play with them, generally she would throw them out. I tried to explain to her that those were my toys she was disposing of, but she never listened. That was ok though, I always ended up finding more. Since we moved I haven't found many crickets to play with, but now that I have a friend I don't mind it so much. Anyway, I had better get off the computer before Jeff and Heather realize just how clever a kitty I really am. My tortoiseshell tail is twitching which means there is a paper towel monster that needs to be destroyed or some feet that need pouncing! Later! S. |