My Hunting Tips
I live in a 3 - cat household. Jasmine the old and crabby, Morris the handsom muscular tom, and me the shadowy hunter all live there. Also, there is Xena the dumb mutt and the humans. From oldest to youngest, Grandma,Sandra, Jim, and my human Jessica. I have a couple hunting tips for all you cool cats out there:
1. Use tall grasses to your advantage.
2. Beware the lawn mower!
3. Watch out for any dogs, alley cat gangs, or cars.
4. Roof-top hunting is good.
5. Make a secret area that only you know about to stash extra kill.
7. Plop a decapitaited kill in your owners bed. They love that!
8. Do NOT let any other cats on your hunting grounds AT ALL!
9. Stand your ground if anyone trie to take your territory. Fight if it is in order.
10. Have fun!
Hope these tips help!
May you always have a warm bed and a full stomach,