
My beloved stalker
Hello my friends,
I bring to you a poem in honor of a dear friend of mine who died
about two years ago, but never left our hearts.
My beloved stalker
Watching me through shining eyes,
My stalker waits in the window,
Combing the knots from her hair,
Spying me walk pass,
She stealthily follows me through the shadows.
I do no hear her footfall,
I do not see her pass me by.
She readies herself to pounce.
I set upon my bed,
Unawares of the oncoming ambush,
I watch the stars sparkle in the night.
As I begin to drift away,
She leaps from the darkness.
In a graceful bound she lands upon my bed.
She pads over to me,
And curls upon my chest.
Her fur shines in the moonlight,
Her tail twitches in contentment,
My beloved Pockets purrs a song of love and protection,
As she follows me into a dream-filled slumber.
In loving memory of my old friend Pockets,
May she enjoy a world of green trees, soft cushions,
And mice rolled in catnip.
We miss you!