Since hijacking the computers here at Freddie Street, we have met many new friends around the world, both feline and human. We get lots of mail from you and we love hearing from you. Some of you have written to us very movingly about the death of your loved ones. We feel that space is needed for those of you who need to tell the world about a special cat who has passed over. In this section of the library we will relax our 'no humans' rule and allow contributions from anyone who has something to share.
Chief The Fire Cat.
For Homer and Fat Boy a moving poem.
For Xegon A beautiful tribute to a wonderful companion.
Prissie's story carries a warning for us all.
My beloved stalker a poem.
For Gemma a poem.
Prince is sadly missed.
Blacken A moving tribute to a cat who died in a trap.
Rita Rita has lost her friend.
Max A lover of Pineapple.
For Cola A poem for Cola, a true friend.
A tribute to Morris A tribute to a much missed friend.
Ode To Said. The moving story of Said.
Update on Said. Good news.