This is one of our oldest traditions. Hosing down your patch on a regular basis is a must if you want to let others know who you are. Strangely, this is something humans just don't seem to understand. Even ours. No matter how often I demonstrate the hounorable art, they still don't appreciate it! In fact they don't appreciate it quite forcibly! I took the trouble to stage a demonstration for them, in that most wonderful of rooms, the bathroom, a beloved playground for many cats. I followed her in as I usually do. She sat on the human toilet, I sat on the laundry basket on the other side of the room. This would be a good time to show her what it's all about I thought. So I turned my tail to the wall and let rip, giving it all I'd got. Well! The results were certainly spectacular. And rather messy. But I'm afraid she still hasn't seen the light! Even though I helped her mark her own territory, however accidental. Anyway, male humans sometimes mark their territory. I've seen them. They have this peculiar ritual which involves staggering around, muttering incoherently, and other peoples gardens. So you'd think they would understand. I've tried marking all my favourite places.
It only seems to make them worse. Positively hysterical in fact. Perhaps it was the fact that he was still in the bed at the time when I sprayed the pillows. I honestly didn't see him and I'm sure he didn't swallow that much. Should of kept his mouth shut if you ask me! All that yelling isn't good for you anyway! |